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What we do

AboutWhat we do

Caritas Fiji is exclusively a humanitarian and socio-developmental organisation, and has a totally non-profit character. Caritas is founded as a socio pastoral instrument and not as a political entity. It shall be apolitical. It shall be inclusive by embracing all religions, creed, gender, and ethnicity. It provides a beacon of hope for women, men and children in times of hardship and contributes to the development of social justice at all times. Caritas Fiji’s mandate includes integral development, emergency relief, advocacy, peace building, respect for human rights and support for proper stewardship of the planet’s environment and resources. Caritas Fiji fights poverty, exclusion, intolerance and discrimination. More importantly, it empowers people to participate fully in all matters affecting their lives, and it advocates on their behalf at national and international forums. Caritas Fiji promotes partnership: local autonomy is paramount in ensuring effective teamwork for the good of all. By pooling expertise and resources, Caritas Fiji is able to identify issues at the grassroots, analyse them at national and international levels, and then take action locally. We support locally run small community development projects among poor communities. These projects address the root causes of poverty and lift the standard of living for people who are often desperately poor. We work to change the structures which cause poverty and at the same time we help people understand the causes of poverty and injustice, and keep them informed of current aid, development and justice issues. Our work is community, rather than individually based. This approach is sound development practice, and is based on the Catholic Social Teaching principles of inclusiveness, and participation. It recognises the importance of family and community in a person’s life, within the limits and constraints imposed by human, material, and financial resources at its disposal.  

Aims and Nature

Caritas Fiji, inspired by the Scriptures, Catholic Social Teachings, prayer and action, organises and coordinates the work of charity.

  • To promote social and ecological justice by upholding:
    • Preferential option of the poor and oppressed
    • Human Dignity
    • Human rights
    • Rights of workers
    • A culture of love and witnessing universal solidarity
    • Holistic and integral development of communities
  • To educate, build and enhance the knowledge and skills of the people in our communities and parishes to care for the common good and the earth
  • To work within the Catholic Church, other Christian Churches, with other religions, government, wider civil society and all in authority to promote the common good
  • To network within Caritas Internationalis in particular with Caritas Oceania and other civil society organisations in order to advocate and lobby for a just society
  • To educate the community members on disaster preparedness and how to respond to disasters
  • The Aims and Nature shall be undertaken in the three Vicariates; Central Eastern Vicariate, Northern Vicariate and Western Vicariate.

The Aims and Nature shall be undertaken in the three Vicariates; Central Eastern Vicariate, Northern Vicariate and Western Vicariate.